
Our mini-magazines are interactive online publications that students can engage with independently or cooperatively with your class. These FREE resources give you a small sample of how we introduce and celebrate the Peace Heroes.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddhist monk from Vietnam who began a nonviolent social movement to respond to the suffering caused by the wars in his country. His work spread to become a global movement of compassionate engagement with people who are suffering.

His story will show your students what it means to listen deeply to one another, to become aware of other people’s suffering and stand in solidarity with them, and to value the dignity of every human being.

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Nader Khalili

Nader Khalili was an Iranian Peace Hero who used his knowledge and skill as an architect to alleviate the suffering of countless vulnerable people in Iran and around the world.

His story will show your students how they can use whatever talents they have to change and heal the world when they respond with compassion, patience, and creativity to the hardships they see around them.

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Mum Shirl

Mum Shirl was an Indigenous Australian Peace Hero who transformed immense suffering into radical compassion. Though she struggled with severe health issues and had very little money, she made it her priority to care for people that others ignored.

Her story will show your students how the most ordinary person, in the most difficult situations, can change the world with simple, courageous acts of love.

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Leymah Gbowee

Leymah Gbowee is a Liberian Peace Hero who won the Nobel Peace Prize for uniting the women of her country to topple a dictatorship and end a devastating civil war.

Her story will inspire your students to stand together in the face of suffering and to believe that each of them has the power to change the world.

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Bruno Hussar

Bruno Hussar was a man of many identities—European, Middle Eastern, Jewish, Catholic, Israeli—who founded a village in Israel where Jews, Christians, and Muslims all live together in true community.

His belief that unity is possible even in the most divided context will show your students that peace is possible anywhere when we reach out to people of other backgrounds, celebrate each other’s differences, and replace our fear of others with love.

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